On this side of the creek, we soak up sunsets, and the wild, untamed beauty of life.


The Blog





Let's explore...

When Jaycie and I started discussing her engagement session, I told her that I encourage my brides to pick places that are special to them! It means so much more when there is sentiment behind the location. She told me about Double M Campground and about how it’s one of their favorite places to horseback ride. Jaycie asked if I would be willing to horseback ride to a couple locations between Double M and within the Shawnee National Forest….uhh like she even had to ask!! Of course!! This is why I absolutely love what I do!!


June 5, 2020

Andy + Jaycie | Country Engagement Session | Shawnee National Forest

They both met down in Texas at Camp Horton as Camp Counselors. When we talked to Harrison on the phone, he told us Reece was coming to Southern Illinois and that he wanted us to meet her. He also told me she loved horses and dogs, so I already liked her!!


October 5, 2019

Harrison + Reece | Engaged

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