Photographing fireworks can be a little tricky but let’s break out your camera and tripod for a complete guide to nailing this! Pin this complete guide to your Pinterest boards for tonight and late because this can be your go to complete guide even for weddings.
First, when photographing fireworks, a tripod is a must! This will allow you to avoid shaking and blur your images. Next, make sure your camera is set to manual and capturing in RAW because I will explain a few more settings that will leave you with epic images!!
Secondly, your shutter speeds need to be between half .5 and 2 seconds. (This is also where the tripod comes in handy!) Then change your aperture to at the very least f/5.6 to f/11. There really isn’t a need for any higher than f/11. Having your shutter open longer will allow your camera to take in all the pretty lights from the fireworks and nail that gorgeous look!

Now, I will walk you through your ISO and focus. Keep your ISO as low as possible. I photograph with Canon and my ISO will go down to 100. Do not set your ISO to auto. You’re probably wondering how in the heck you’re going to be able to focus on something this fast…you won’t! You will flick your lens over to manual focus. Then turn it all the way until it lines up with the infinity symbol. Infinity focus give you a very wide depth of field. This is an entirely different concept and conversation. However, you can just play with it a little! You will be surprised with the result.
Lastly, use a remote release or if you don’t have that you can always set a two second timer. The less you touch your camera, the less shaking you will have! If your camera has a built in flash, be sure to disable it. You don’t want your flash continuing to burst and ruining your shot!
I can’t wait to see what you capture and I hope you have enjoyed this complete guide on how to photograph fireworks! Be sure to follow me on Instagram and send me a DM with your epic shots!! Never stop practicing and shooting!! Follow my blog The Journal for some education and tips or tricks!
